
My little coding corner

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System messages from the Vopicka.dev Wetware



















Rack parts arrive.

Assembled system added to rack.

Extract the Intel D94GCLF2 motherboard from its original case. Install it in the recently acquired 1U case.


Corrected commits to wrong repo. Added remaining content to teh document I had been working on. Considering moving on to uploading code now. Although also looking to convert it from PHP to Python. Day one of total lockdown from Covid-19 by order of the government.


Added a bunch of content that had been floating around my servers to repos (see documents). Did some gaming. Tried to build several emergency computers from spare parts. Two of them had to be retired. 32-bit and the display adapter had no drivers available. I hate to get rid of them but the hightest resolution for them was 640x480 @ 16bit. Next recycling day they will be properly disposed of. Luckily going through some boxed i was recently given from growing up were my original MFM hard drives. I am sure they will prove to be very useful…


Updating the site and prepping computers for the inevitable failure of others computers. Tend to be the goto person for computer failures. Oh well never throw away the old classics they will become useful again! Even a few of the 32bit ones. Now one can’t say that about the “forgotten” classics they play on the radio. They were not forgotten they were buried…

Completed another Google certificate through Coursera today. I don’t have a favorable review so I will not. I did learn things! But the “real world” approach wasn’t!


Social distancing begun (for those looking at this in the future Covid-19 has struck the world). While amazingly people are going crazy about this I have been doing this for decades. Just another day as Vopicka.dev